A student holds a Spartan Award plaque

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You can help support scholastic journalism by sponsoring a student media program’s MIPA membership, contest entry fees or event registration fees.

Sponsor a Student Media Program

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  • $500.00

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  • $0.00

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  • 0

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3 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

You can help support scholastic journalism by sponsoring a student media program’s MIPA membership, contest entry fees or event registration fees.

Donations to this campaign will be used toward MIPA’s financial assistance fund to help programs in need participate in MIPA activities. MIPA membership unlocks a variety of benefits for student media programs, including no-cost professional development opportunities for teachers, reduced MIPA event registration fees for students and access to MIPA’s annual contests.

Media programs can launch their own campaigns on SponsorMe to receive funds to use toward MIPA activities.