1. Start now!
The earlier you start, the more money you can raise. Registration rates may go up after a set date — so be sure you know of any registration deadlines. Give yourself and your sponsors a deadline so that you can get the best deal!
2. Make a list of everyone you think might be a potential sponsor.
Include your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, godparents, older siblings, cousins, neighbors, mentors, friends, co-workers … anyone you think might financially support your workshop experience. Every single dollar counts — no sponsorship is too small!
3. Prepare your pitch.
The surest way to NOT raise any money is to NOT ask for help. Think carefully about how you will make your request. Be direct — but polite — in making your request. Prepare a couple bullet points of what you will say about why you want to go to the MIPA workshop. What do you hope to learn? How will going to the workshop help you achieve your goals? We’ve prepared a sample letter you can personalize to match your voice and send to potential sponsors. Get it at at http://sponsorme.mipamsu.org/start-a-campaign/letter/
4. Use social media to get the word out!
Your smartphone isn’t just for TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram. Use all of these great social media tools (and the phone part, too) to tell everyone you know about how you want to go to the MIPA Summer Journalism Workshop, and to ask for their help. Your parents, siblings and other folks can also help spread the word by sharing your message using their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Facebook, especially can be a powerful platform for sharing information and raising funds from adults.
5. Create cards to hand out with the SponsorMe URL.
Carry some of these cards with you wherever you go. You never know when you might find someone who wants to help, and now you’ll always have the website handy. We’ve created some cards you can use at http://sponsorme.mipamsu.org/start-a-campaign/sponsorme-cards/ — or create your own!
6. Send a thank-you note.
As soon as you know someone has made a donation, hand write and mail them a thank you note (an email just isn’t the same). It doesn’t need to be a long note; a couple sentences will do. The gesture shows how much you appreciate the support and sends a positive message to potential donors who might see your note or talk to your sponsor. Good luck!